I’ve not posted for a while, being intent on two big projects: within Hallam Uni I’m developing a complete online module as part of a new degree on e-communications. Getting this right is difficult and time-consuming.

Meanwhile, I have till May 12th to finish “How to Kill Francesca. Twice.” Although I’ve written 50000 words in a month (and used up all last year’s leave to do so), there’s still a long way to go, and only three weeks left.

However, nice things continue to happen. “The Visitors” popped through the door today. This is the Cinnamon Press anthology from last year’s prize winners and runners-up. I’ve two poems in it: “Return to High Force” and “Snow on the Edge”, two of my favourite pieces, actually. But the title piece, and first prize winner “The Visitors” is a story by a lovely friend of mine, Tricia Durdey, whose writing is subtle and nuanced, and well worth buying the volume for alone.

See: http://www.cinnamonpress.com/titles-anthologies.htm (Scroll to the bottom of the page – it’s a long alphabetical list).