June 2014

Here are a few images from my installation Skylines which, with luck, you’ll be able to see before my reading tomorrow. (Click on an image to expand it. Unfortunately, the resolution isn’t good enough for you to read the poems. You’ll have to visit the Bank Street gallery for that.)

Firstly, a view of part of the skyline:

Skyline exhibition 005

Here’s one of the “mobiles”:

Skyline exhibition 007

and a view of another part of the skyline

Skyline exhibition 011

And finally, a sort of epigraph:

Skyline exhibition 004

Well, not quite Midsummer. It’s the 15th of June, in fact, as part of Sheffield’s Midsummer Poetry Festival, at Bank Street Arts Centre, with Katharine Towers, a poet whom I love and feel privileged to read alongside, and Kath McKay, a poet whom I don’t know much about, but who has an excellent rep. Details and tickets here.

Meanwhile, in case you can’t make it, here’s a couple of pictures from the launch of Out of Breath in March. Firstly, a tubby poet gets a little excited:


And here’s the rapt audience, some of whom even appear to have momentarily stopped drinking:

book launch 070


I finished the installation today, so the relevant page of this blog has been updated. It’s some way from what I envisaged, but pretty effective, I think. Certainly it’s been a struggle getting it into place, so I’ll need a few days before I can judge it objectively, but I think it works, and I think it’s interesting. Whilst there’s more to do on it, I believe it should be a good resource for people taking part in the upcoming festival.