A very encouraging review of Point me at the stars from Davina Prince for HappenStance’s Sphinx at: https://www.sphinxreview.co.uk/index.php/682-noel-williams-point-me-at-the-stars

This is a (small) book I wrote for its own sake, not because I thought it would be particularly publishable, nor likely to find a ready audience. But, so far, the response has been positive and pleasant. I gave a reading on Tuesday at Writers in The Bath, and was pleased by the feedback I received. It’s a problem at readings, because the tone of the poems remains pretty constant throughout, and, being a narrative sequence threaded with repeated imagery, it’s hard for an audience to attend to more than a couple of the poems at a time. I think in future I’ll not aim to represent the sequence as such, and instead mix these poems with others, in the name of being a little more entertaining.